Selenium core & IDE extension functions
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Selenium core extension functions:


Selenium.prototype.doStoreRandom = function (variableName) {

    random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000);
    storedVars[variableName] = random;

    Selenium.prototype.doDisplayAlert = function (variableName,value) {


 //target=variableName; value=len

 Selenium.prototype.doStoreRandomDefinedLength = function (variableName,len) {
    var randomDefinedLength = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000)).toString();


     var needIncreaseLen = len - randomDefinedLength.length;
     for(var i =0;i<needIncreaseLen;i++)
      randomDefinedLength += "a";
    }else if (randomDefinedLength.length>len)
     var needCutLen = randomDefinedLength.length - len;
     randomDefinedLength = randomDefinedLength.substr(needCutLen);

    storedVars[variableName] = randomDefinedLength;


I use Selenium IDE for performing web functional testing and often work with date, so I created a extension function to deal with date calculate and presentation, the code is listed below:
用Selenium IDE做网页的功能测试经常会碰到与日期有关的验证,本人结合实际工作中遇到的应用,写了一个扩展,代码如下:
Selenium.prototype.doStoreDateByFormat = function(format,args){
    // format of args: month,day,year
    if(args.trim().length < 3)
        throw new SeleniumError("arguments must contain ""Month"",""Date"",""Year"" variables!");
    var formats = format.split(",");
    var days = parseInt(formats[3]);
    var sysDate = getSysDate(); //get the sysdate
    var specDate = dateAfterDays(sysDate,parseFloat(days),1); //get specified date
    var arrArgs = args.split(",");
    var month = specDate.getMonth()+1;
    var date = specDate.getDate();
    var year = specDate.getFullYear();
    // get Month string
        case "MM": // return 2 digits of month number, such as: 01
            month = (month+"").length==1?"0"+month:month;
        case "MMM": //return the first 3 chars of the month word, such as: Jan
            month = this.getMonthShortName(month);
        case "MMMM": //return the full word of the month word, such as: January
            month = this.getMonthFullName(month);
        case "M":
            // return 1 digit when month is lower than 10.
            // do nothing
    //get Date string
        case "DD": //always return 2 digits of the month number, such as: 05
            date = (date+"").length==1?"0"+date:date;
        case "D":
            // return 1 digit when Date is lower than 10.
            // do nothing
    //get Year string
        case "YY": // return last 2 digits of the year number, such as: 08 (2008)
            year = (year+"").substr(2);
        case "YYYY":
            //return full year number, such: 2008.
    storedVars[arrArgs[0]] = month;
    storedVars[arrArgs[1]] = date;
    storedVars[arrArgs[2]] = year;
Selenium.prototype.getMonthFullName = function(month){
    var monthArr = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
    if(month == null){
        throw new SeleniumError("you didn't specify a Month");
        month = parseInt(month);
    }catch (e){
        throw new SeleniumError("""Month"" is not a Integer!");
    return monthArr[month-1];
/* return the date N days(N*24 hours) before/after some day.
 * args   :   num - positive/negative integer/float number,default is "1";  
 *            type - 0 (second) or 1 (day), default is second.  
 * return :   Date
function dateAfterDays(date, num, type){
    date = (date == null?new Date():date);
    num = (num == null?1:num);
        throw new SeleniumError("dateAfterDays(date, num, type),""num"" argument must be Number type.");
        throw new SeleniumError("dateAfterDays(date, num, type),""date"" argument must be Date type.");
    var iType = (type == null?0:type);
    var arr = [1000,86400000];
    var dd = date.valueOf();
    dd += num * arr[iType];
    var d=new Date(dd);
    return d;
function getSysDate(){
    return new Date();
the image below shows how to use this function, for details please see the previous code:

a data based functional testing often needs to check the data orderation, I use the function listed below in my daily work, I hope it can help you rise up your efficiency.
Selenium.prototype.isColumnOrdered = function(locator,order){
    var locators = locator.split("|");
    var tableLocator = locators[0];
    var headNum = parseInt(locators[1]);
    var bottomNum = parseInt(locators[2]);
    var identifier = locators[3];
    var colNum = null;
    var elem = null;
    if(identifier.indexOf(":") >= 0){
        colNum = parseInt(identifier.substring(0,identifier.indexOf(":")));
        elem = identifier.substr(identifier.indexOf(":")+1);
        colNum = parseInt(identifier);
    var table = this.page().findElement(tableLocator);
    if(table != null){
        for(i=headNum; i<table.rows.length-bottomNum; i++){
                var fir = "";
                var sec = "";
                if(elem != null){
                    var path1 = tableLocator+"//tr["+ (i+1) +"]/td["+ (colNum+1) +"]//"+elem;
                    var path2 = tableLocator+"//tr["+ (i+2) +"]/td["+ (colNum+1) +"]//"+elem;
                    fir = this.getText(path1);
                    sec = this.getText(path2);
                    fir = getText(table.rows[i].cells[colNum]).trim();
                    sec = getText(table.rows[i+1].cells[colNum]).trim();
                if(order.toUpperCase() == "A"){
                    if(fir > sec){
                        return false;
                }else if(order.toUpperCase() == "D"){
                    if( fir < sec){
                        return false;
        return true;
        throw new SeleniumError("can't find the element"""+tableLocator+"""");
how to use:
call function: verifyColumnOrdered
param1 format: tablelocator|rowCountBeforeDataArea|rowCountAfterDataArea
    example: //table[2]
                  //table[2] - xPath of a table;
                  2 - there 2 rows before data area in this table;
                  3 - there are 3 rows after data area in this table
param2: order
            A: ascending
            D: descending

